Learn to Change the World est un film réalisé par l’organisation waldorf-100 à l’approche des 100 ans de la pédagogie Steiner-Waldorf.
La première école proposant la pédagogie Steiner-Waldorf a en effet vu le jour en 1919 et il y a désormais plus de 1100 écoles et 1700 jardins d’enfants dans 80 pays à travers le monde.
The Waldorf100
« The Waldorf100 initiative arose in fall 2014 at a conference of the International Forum for Steiner/Waldorf Education held in Israel. In the meantime, many associated and partner institutions have endorsed the idea.
The upcoming Centennial offers a unique opportunity to make full use of a global exchange of ideas to develop our educational practice for the needs of this century. We will reinforce our mutual awareness and networks with an array of diverse projects and actions in schools and kindergartens, regionally and internationally. These projects will illuminate how Waldorf education overcomes cultural, ideological, economic, and social borders.
The fresh impetus from each Steiner/Waldorf facility around the world is a central element in the overall concept. We look forward to hearing about exciting project ideas – nothing is too small, nothing too large, nothing too simple and nothing too complex. Set out with us into the second century of Waldorf education! »
Article rédigé par un collectif de l’école Perceval
Mis en ligne le 27 Avril 2017